Case study: Transformation engagement with Creative and Engineering Agency

Speed Agency is a full-cycle creative agency founded in 1983 that specializes in E2E digital projects for small and medium businesses across UK and EU. They have a very strong presence across the local UK market and have deep expertise in digital transformations and compelling brands creation, designed and built at Speed.

Historically Speed was providing classical brand and advertisement services for local businesses and over time expanded services list to include digital services including omnichannel marketing, brand strategy, content services and even cloud and hybrid hosting.

With increasing projects' complexity across portfolio and more demanding clients, executive team at Speed faced repeated problems with projects planning and execution, on-time delivery and heavy cost competition even on local market that led to idea of restructuring and realigning the business and delivery model to fix short-term issues and support further business growth

The leadership team decided to connect with DGTL TEAM to work with executive and core team to perform processes and business assessment, formulate problem statement, identify and prioritize the pain points, and define and implement new ways of working across sales, operations, delivery and technology teams.
Customer observed a steady decline in services quality and customers' satisfaction across the entire portfolio along with reduced operational profit that required immediate attention. These tactical issues hampered business growth and had roots in inefficient team structure, obsolete processes and legacy tech tools that were unable to support new services offerings for new wave of digital businesses emerged during covid era.
How DGTL TEAM Responded

After several initial calls with customer leadership, we've prepared structured assessment and review plan based on our assessment methodology and tailored to Speed Agency size, domain and nature of request

The assessment involved multiple sessions with sales, operations, technical/support team, and delivery stakeholders to identify gaps and elaborate most promising solutions, processes, tech platform and stack, and model future state and immediate corrective actions.

Specific critical areas like pre-sales, operational planning, transition to more modern omnichannel tech stack, rapid discovery introduction, demand and supply forecasting, agile project management and planning methodologies, company's RACI and structure required dedicated focused sessions and action plans and evolved into separate transformational streams. Separate focus was on Agile Lean transformation to reduce lead time and introduce more optimal planning and delivery approaches across the board

The Results

The 3-weeks engagement allowed client to build detailed map of their current process and structural gaps, 'red' areas and growth blockers, and allowed to identify clear path to 'green' across pre-sales, technical tool set and excellence, delivery, PMO and staffing, customer relations areas.

The full roadmap entailed 3-months transformation plan involving new exec-level transformation team running full scale Agile transformation in parallel with BAU operations, with regular weekly cross-checks and corrections together with DGTL Team experts.

Immediate results involved at least 50% reduction of errors across client-facing omnichannel deployments driving spike in customer's satisfaction, 12% profitability growth from pre-sales and discovery areas and at least 25% reduction in project lead time (with build and deployment times reduced up to 35%) with dozen other KPIs to be accomplished during 3 months transformation